When her late father leaves her property in the British Virgin Islands--a vacation home she never knew existed, Nina wonders what else he was hiding and soon finds out the hard way that what you inherit can end up costing your life.
I went into this book completely blind. Catherine Steadman’s new novel Look in the Mirror was my selection for the 52 Book Club’s 2024 Reading Challenge prompt “Picked Without Reading the Blurb.” Catherine Steadman is always a five star read for me, so I figured her latest novel would be a safe choice for me to go into without any preconceived notions.
Wow, I could not have picked a better book for this prompt! I had no idea where it was going, and found it to be so completely strange and out of left field. At first I thought that it was because I had no background knowledge on the plot, but I soon realized that no, the storyline is just completely unexpected and surprising. It worked perfectly as a blind pick, and I 100% enjoyed the wild ride through this harrowing story!
Because I want others to have a similar experience to mine, I will not be detailing the plot of this story. Rather, I’ll share that despite a slow burn start, this novel quickly picks up the pace, quite literally putting me on the edge of my seat. I couldn’t believe my eyes as I read this story, not wanting to trust my instincts that what I suspected was happening was actually happening. This novel is tense and gripping, and not for the faint of heart. Catherine Steadman has delivered again, and I wouldn’t be surprised if we see this cinematic novel adapted for the big screen! - Brooke, Public Relations Librarian