Fired from her dream job after making a huge mistake, Callie Dixon lands at her aunt's Cape Cod ice cream shop, hoping that in time, she'll bounce back. But she made that mistake for a reason that time won't help. When her cousin drags her to a class on happiness, the instructor--curiously gloomy and demanding--has a way of turning her feelings upside down.
Everything in your life is great! The waters are calm, and it’s smooth sailing. You’re thinking you couldn’t be happier. This is amazing! Until, BAM! The winds pick up, and the seas get rough. Oh no, no, no! Suddenly, your great life has taken a turn for the worse. Sounds familiar? I’m sure it does, and this is exactly what happened to Callie Dixon in The Secret to Happiness by Suzanne Woods Fisher.
Callie’s career as a chef was perfect until she made an enormous mistake and everything fell apart. Losing her career, Callie became lost and depressed. She feels as though her purpose in life has been taken from her. She’s also experiencing health symptoms which she fears are MS, like her mother had. Her dad isn’t as understanding and supportive of her feelings as she would like him to be. He’s pressuring her to back in the game. Why is this happening to her? Where does she go from here? Will Callie ever find her true north again?
To answer these questions and many more, you’ll have to read The Secret to Happiness by Suzanne Woods Fisher. This is the second book in the Cape Cod Creamery series. The Sweet Life is the first book, and the third book, Love on a Whim, was released this year. If you enjoy small town fiction and believe everything happens for a reason, this series of books would be great for you. - Crystal, Tech Services Librarian